two wheat-pasted posters, side by side. on the left is the "WE ARE STILL HERE" poster with the text in the pink body of the house with a black triangle roof, with a thin black border around the image; and on the right is the "remote access now" poste

“It’s not art, if art is for museums. It’s far more robust than that. It comes for you in ways art simply can’t. The poster comes for you where you live.”

— Avram Finkelstein, After Silence: A History of AIDS through Its Images

Remote activism is chronic cultural work.

Remote activism has a power of its own. The poster still comes for you where you live - and when it gets there, it is even closer to home.

We Are Still Here

  • We Are Still Here was inspired by the SILENCE = DEATH poster designed by the consciousness-raising collective of the same name in 1987.

    The poster politicized opposition to the AIDS epidemic even prior to the 1988 formation of ACT UP, or the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power.

    The collective joined forces with ACT UP, using the SILENCE = DEATH imagery on wheat-pasted posters across NYC, protest t-shirts, and pins.

Remote Access Now

  • Remote Access Now is rooted in the idea that remote access is essential to ethical community-building.

    We must advocate for the expansion of early-pandemic online infrastructure - and against continued efforts to “return to normal.”

    Read more here.


  • Inspired by an ACT UP poster that read, “AIDS: WHERE IS YOUR RAGE? ACT UP” - and “HOW MANY OF US WILL BE ALIVE FOR STONEWALL 35?”

    The 35th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, which took place on June 28th, 1969, would have been 2004.

    How many of us will be alive for Stonewall 55 in 2024? MASK UP.


  • Fauci engaged in eugenics - in a deceptively casual manner - in an interview where he said the vulnerable will “fall by the wayside;” where some will be infected and some will die.

    Imani Barbarin points out that this is a feature of the medical field - not a bug.

    Avram Finkelstein writes about Fauci spouting the same rhetoric and militantly implementing eugenics during the AIDS epidemic, prior to a self-serving shift after extensive treatment activism by ACT UP.

    “We are not the vulnerable - but the exposed” is a line in the poem we live here now, available on the chronic cultural work blog.

    We will not be PUSHED by the wayside. We are here, now. And we are not going anywhere.

