cultivating an ethic
of accountability
to revolutionary
Chronic Cultural Work is grounded in cultural labor that intentionally forefronts neuro* and immunocompromised communities, confronts neurotypism and immuno-ableism, rejects eugenics and genocide in any form, and imagines chronically liberatory futures.
This cultural labor both examines and works to eclipse society’s overwhelming desire to cure the pathology of ‘Zoom fatigue’ and ignore the pathologies of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
These pathologies - and neurodiversity and sickness more generally - have been diagnosed as barriers to a triumphant “return to normal.”
To CCW, “normal” translates to “dominant ways of engaging in community.”
This is why we are committed to cultivating an ethic of accountability to revolutionary community-building.
woods (they/them) is a sick, crip, neuroqueer nonbinary cultural worker, artist, and writer of poetry, philosophy, and hauntology.
At the moment, they are just trying to remotely survive late-stage capitalism in the midst of a mass-disabling pandemic.
[If you are reading this, I assume you are too. You are far from alone. I hope the work of CCW resonates with you - it has certainly been a powerful antidote for me.]