the job of the
cultural worker is to make revolution
Cultural workers believe in being held accountable to a standard of revolutionary world-building.
Chronic Cultural Work is grounded in cultural labor that, first and foremost,
rejects eugenics and genocide in any form, &
intentionally forefronts those of us who did not fall, but were pushed, by the wayside.
Chronic Cultural Work is cultivating an ethic of accountability to a standard of revolutionary community-building.
The Work
of chronic cultural work
CCW political posters and typography, deeply rooted in both activist histories and the remote realities of the present, contribute to chronic cultural strategy in both form and function by disrupting dominant cultural narratives and calling our communities to action.
CCW writing includes poetry, working drafts of emerging vocabularies, and stories about the everyday implications of access justice. The pieces collectively contribute to chronic cultural strategy by commenting on the present and imagining the future.
CCW photography reflects how chronic perspectives can emerge from unexpected places and different types of knowledge can inform chronic cultural strategy.